Today I came home to find that the topic of the evening was
the current Missed Trigger rules. Melissa DeTora wrote an article
on how the strategically correct, technically legal play regarding missed
triggers often feels morally wrong now, as it typically takes advantage of the
fact that a player forgot to—or didn’t bother to—verbalize a trigger that
seemed obvious or irrelevant. I suspect this problem will eventually resolve
itself, as players become accustomed to mentioning every single trigger, but
the important thing for now is that players are feeling pressured to made
decision that feel shady.
This wound up being quite timely, as I navigate the internship
application process for my graduate school program. On the application, you
have to fill out how many hours of experience you have in each category—individual
therapy, family therapy, assessment, etc. Many activities don’t fit neatly into
one category or another, so we’re given a fair amount of discretion in
determining what category our hours fall under.
Some categories are far more prestigious than others, so there
is a strong incentive to be a little creative—or a lot creative—about what
qualifies for these top categories. Given the ambiguity, it isn’t too difficult to convince yourself that your
classification is justifiable, and a lot of people do it. But it’s not comfortable,
because you know when it’s not quite
right. I see it on the faces of other applicants when they explain why they categorized something the way they did. I don’t do it. I can’t do it.
I felt pretty good turning in my application with its precise
categorizations, even though I know this made me look less competitive than
people who are more lax in their criteria. Hopefully I’d be able to make up the
quality elsewhere. I was optimistic.
Then the rejection emails started coming, and suddenly I
didn’t feel quite so great. It sounds good to say that losing with integrity is
better than winning without it, but that’s a bit hard to keep in mind when you’re
looking at the possibility of pushing your degree back a year.
On Twitter, Rules Manager Matt Tabak said, “I’m sympathetic
to players not wanting to feel like jerks, but ‘the rules should force me to be
sporting’ isn’t really a winning argument.” I see people’s complaints as not
wanting to rules to make them be sporting, but wanting the rules to make everyone be sporting. It just feels
awful when the situation is set up so that your values become a significant
I don’t know what this means for the Missed Trigger rules.
There is always going to be someone who is willing to push the boundaries
further than you. Some people are desperate enough that they decide the guilt
is worth it, and some just have a different definition of what is sporting. You
will often lose to these people. If sticking to your guns was always rewarded,
it would be the default choice.
That said, it would be nice to avoid putting people in
unwinnable situations as much as possible. Tabak said, ‘Still, some small part
of me is crying out ‘If it feels wrong, don’t do it.” But let's look at that situation: now you may have knocked yourself out of the Top 8 because you declined to play the game to the fullest. If there was something major on the line, I certainly wouldn't be feeling proud about how I sacrificed something I wanted in order to not look like a jerk. I'd be feeling cheated.
Going back to my internship applications: Will I be just as precise
in categorizing my hours if I have to apply again next year? Through gritted
teeth, I say yes. Accuracy and transparency are two of my core values. Am I upset
that the system makes me choose between those values and being maximally competitive?
Dear God, yes.
The MTG design people talk about the fact that you can get players
to do anything if you set up proper incentives, but it feels bad when players are
compelled to do something they don’t want to do. With the current rules,
players seem to be set up to feel bad no matter what they do.
I know creating a good Missed
Trigger policy is hard. I certainly don't have any brilliant ideas about how to repair it. I know it’s going to be imperfect no matter what, because it's a really complicated situation. It just seems like there’s got to be
something better than making people choose between feeling like a jerk and
feeling like a sucker. We get enough of that in the rest of our lives.